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259 items found
- My Behavioural Science Christmas 2022 Reading List!
Because sharing is caring, I thought I’d share my Christmas reading list with you.
- Meaningless Money
repairing pot-holes in the road to increase road safety, or increasing individual welfare through social care knowing you not cleaning up after yourself could deprive someone like your own grandmother from proper care This effect is especially strong if you care for, or identify with the person experiencing the emotion being a selfish, lazy person that litters is depriving sweet, nice, deserving, elderly people from the care Show how caring homes are understaffed as a result of the misdirection of funding.
- Does it Pay to be Obsessed with Money?
It is likely that they don’t use cash, but that they use card exclusively to track every single cent,
- The Systems that Keep Behavioural Science from Progressing - a Reply to BIT's Manifesto
And here we run into the issue of the system again: does the academy care about diversity in researchers Does the academy care about diverse samples?
- Does the 'Why' Matter?
Do you honestly care whether the blood that saved your life in a necessary transfusion was “donated” Rather than making someone care about the environment (difficult), you can tax and then refund them statiegeld
- The Flag and the NFL
‘Conservative’ values; those who oppose the such protests (in the eyes of those protesting) aren’t caring about the more liberal values of care and fairness nearly enough whilst (at best) being distracted by Where you see the need to care for others' lives and rights will they see you betraying a beloved symbol
- Interview with Ellen Peters
Click to learn more about her research at the CAIDe lab site and on her Wikipedia page.
- Interview with Colin Camerer
Abstract math was too hard (damn you, number theory). Physics was elegant but didn’t have people. He had a tiny class because none of the serious economics or finance students cared about experiments It is a special case of the plain fact that the elite economics departments do not care at all about Ambitious students who care about status and future job placement are petrified of doing anything too Their advisors often explicitly warn them away from new ideas too, because they care about their students
- Do You Talk About Your Work "Too Much" ?
is just droning on about their work and things associated with it that you don't understand, don't care To not talk about work means to not care, to be ashamed or wanting to be rid of it.
- Interview with Nick Hobson
I draw inspiration from Carl Sagan, the renowned astrophysicist when he says, “it seems to me what is It’ll take care of a lot of the heterogeneity in the effects we currently see.
- Behavioural Change Should Target Trends – Not Events.
In investing there are firms who’ve caught onto this and are very careful in presenting their clients
- Interview with Alex Rees-Jones
, but to get these ideas more on the radar of people who study taxation and who don’t intrinsically care That’s an extremely hard question. The main recommendation I have for people following this path is to pick the economic topic areas you care